Keyless Door Locks

Keyless door locks have become increasingly popular because of their convenience, user-friendliness, and the high-tech security features. Moreover, they bring a plethora of benefits including remote access, auto-locking, and seamless integration with smart homes. These intelligent locks use electronic keycards, biometric validation, or digital codes to give permission to a person who needs to enter a residential or commercial property. 

However, despite their useful features, a question arises whether keyless entry systems are vulnerable to hacking or not. 

Read further to find the answer!

Are Keyless Locks Hackable?

Well, the answer is ‘Yes’!

Keyless door locks can be hacked. Although they are designed to provide enhanced security, they are not safe against certain forms of hacking. 

Let’s look at some of the ways in which keyless door locks can become prone to hacking. 

Weak Passwords

Many of the keyless entry systems contain weak or insecure passwords that can be easily guessed or cracked with specialized techniques. It may be noted that hackers are using advanced methods for security breaches.

Unsecured Wi-Fi

Smart locks that get linked to Wi-Fi may be prone to hacking if the Wi-Fi system is not made completely or appropriately secure.

Malware and Viruses

Sometimes, the keyless door locks connected to the internet also get infected with malware and viruses. Hence, this becomes a potential medium for hackers to gain unauthorized access.

Physical Tampering

Manipulation with the mechanical parts of locks during physical attacks or general faults in the design of locks can also weaken their overall security. 

Brute Force Attacks

Attackers often make use of specialized software to try various permutations and codes until they succeed in gaining access. 

Hence, these are some of the ways through which keyless door locks can be hacked. If you ever face such a problem, don’t delay, and contact a residential locksmith expert with immediate effect. They analyze the issue and repair the lock while considering all the crucial aspects. The lock may need to be changed if it has been tampered with heavily. The locksmiths ensure that your locks are secured with the best possible techniques so that you stay safe and stress-free.

Key Tips to Protect Your Keyless Door Lock from Hacking

Although it might not be possible to completely eliminate the chances of hacking, here are some potential measures that you may implement to safeguard your keyless door lock.

1. Purchase a Lock with Robust Security Features 

You must explore and choose locks with sophisticated security features like encryption and secure communication protocols.

2. Use Strong Passwords and Personal Identification Numbers

It is beneficial to implement tough passwords and PINs that are extremely difficult to predict or crack.

3. Maintain the Software of Your Lock

It is necessary to keep upgrading the lock’s software and firmware on a consistent basis so as to fix any security weaknesses.

4. Set Dual-Factor Validation 

It is strongly recommended to activate dual-factor validation (2FA) whenever possible. It enables an additional layer of protection by necessitating both a password and a secondary means of confirmation which may include a fingerprint or code.

5. Monitor the Lock’s Performance 

Please bear in mind to keep a check on your lock’s activity records so as to track forced entry attempts, if any, and take necessary action accordingly.

Types of Keyless Door Locks

Here are different types of keyless door locks that you may consider for your residential and/or commercial properties. 

Electronic Keycard Locks

These locks use electronic keycards that are programmed with a particular code or PIN through which an individual is allowed to enter inside the related area.  

Biometric Locks

These locks use biometric authentication methods like fingerprints, facial recognition, iris recognition etc., to allow access. They store templates of impressions of fingers, face etc., of an individual. Whenever they try to access the area through biometric, the machine compares their impressions with the ones stored as templates and then these systems grant them access. 

Smart Locks

These locks are the most commonly used locks nowadays. They can be operated remotely with smartphones and other devices using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connectivity.

Digital Code Locks

These locks use a numerical code or password to grant access.

If you are looking to install keyless door locks in your business or commercial property then you may contact a commercial locksmith for assistance. They help you choose the most suitable locks and install them as per your preferences.

Concluding Words

In a nutshell, despite numerous advantages that keyless door locks provide, they are still vulnerable to hacking and various security risks. So, you need to be extra cautious while selecting a lock, as it must have robust security attributes, along with a strong passcode and Personal Identification Number PIN. You must also keep the lock’s software updated, implement two-step verification, and keep an eye on your lock’s actions. That’s how you can reduce the chances of unauthorized access and safeguard your residential and commercial properties. You may better go for professional guidance by contacting a locksmith expert who can help you choose and install the best keyless door lock as per your requirements.

Related FAQ’s!

Here are some of the major queries related to keyless door locks, addressed for your knowledge. Take a quick look.

How safe are keyless door locks?

Keyless door locks are high-tech systems that use passwords and PINs to allow access to individuals. Nevertheless, they are also prone to hacking. Therefore, you are advised to maintain a strong password which cannot be easily cracked. You must also keep their software updated and set dual authentication systems to validate the entry of individuals.

Is keyless better than key?

Keyless locks are definitely far better than the traditional lock systems with keys. However, keyless locks are also vulnerable to hacking, as professional hackers use advanced methods or techniques to crack their code and gain unauthenticated access.

Can keyless car keys be tracked?

Yes, but only when you have a key fob, transponder key, or a smart key. You can track the car keys using a car key tracking device. You can also use an app that is connected to your key.

Are keyless door locks worth it?

Yes, keyless door locks can undoubtedly take your security game a level up. But you need to choose the ones that are most appropriate as per the type of your property. For example, you may explore the keyless locks meant for residential properties and commercial properties. You may also get in touch with locksmith professionals for related assistance.

How to choose a keyless door lock?

High-tech security, easy installation process, compatibility with your door, easy maintenance and troubleshooting, and user-friendly operation are some of the key factors that help you choose a keyless door lock.